
Your Partners In Cost-Effective Training and Printing Services

August 11, 2023

Companies today are looking to provide cost-effective training to their employees. Companies want training that communicates procedures, that explains the features of the latest product line, or that shares company history. The ultimate goal for the company is to educate employees while boosting productivity in the long run.


What makes us unique in the marketplace is that we are training and printing experts. We can print training guides, service manuals, saddle bound books, marketing brochures, branded notebooks, reports, certificates, and so much more.

At Ken Cook Co., we offer Totara and GGLMS. Totara is a great solution for many of our customers, and so is GGLMS. It depends on the customers’ needs. Companies are happy to discover that with solutions such as TotaraLMS (Learning Management System), as the number of users increases, the price goes down per user.

Totara is layered on top of Moodle. It follows Moodle but is its own entity. Companies like Kia, Samsung and Sony use Totara. Because Totara is cloud-based, the server and systems are maintained by the software provider. Totara is also an open-source platform, so the cost of development is cheaper. Totara has dozens of partners and a sense of community. We at Ken Cook Co. can partner with them and utilize each other’s resources. Overall there is a spirit of sharing among partners of Totara. Other LMS administrators using Totara want to chat, share concepts, discuss solutions, and even help you with coding.


We can help with learning, training and printing, simplifying processes for companies looking for cost-effective solutions in training and print. We deliver high-quality training and printing services at reasonable fees.

“We want the customer to feel empowered, to feel like they can do anything themselves, and we’re here if they need us to help with anything in training and in print,” says Aaron Murray, LMS Administrator at Ken Cook Co.


The biggest cost in purchasing an LMS or training program is the upfront cost. Additional costs involve redesigns and plug-ins, services the system does not automatically handle right out of the box. At Ken Cook Co. we give advice, perform maintenance, handle upgrades, and take care of security. We won’t charge our customers “hidden fees” for those services.


Contact us today for cost-effective ways to bring training and print materials to your company.

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