
Four Surprising Ways to Communicate Safety and Government-Mandated Data Through a Digital Storefront

August 11, 2023

A digital storefront can provide one-stop literature shopping 24/7, allowing your customers, dealers, and others in your network to purchase your literature, whether it’s technical, training, marketing, or safety related. We can print, manage and ship the materials your customers purchase. Did you know that you can also use your digital storefront to communicate government-mandated and consumer safety information, such as recall data?


Let us host a site that will help you meet the standards of your governing bodies, providing access to information that is required to be available to your consumers, dealers, others in your network, and the public. If government agencies prepare a safety toolkit with brochures and fact sheets related to your industry, Ken Cook Co. can simply publish that toolkit on your site so consumers and the public can access the materials they need to stay safe and informed.

Manufacturers are often required to provide product specifications, service and recall information, and other safety data to the public. Provide that information and educate your consumers right from your digital storefront regarding changes to your products, recalls, defects, product ratings, advanced safety features, and new technologies affecting the product. Use your digital storefront as a resource to help prevent accidents involving your products or services, reducing harm to people and eliminating or reducing physical and financial costs to them and to you.


You can help consumers and the public locate and contact dealers or distributors in their geographical areas via your digital storefront with location services. Provide a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or Serial Number decoder on your digital storefront so the public can see whether or not the product is subject to a recall.


Safety and safety education, especially child safety, is important to consumers and manufacturers alike. (For more information, see this Consumer Reports article on the importance of safety and technical bulletins to GM consumers here). Let us help you communicate critical safety information to your consumers and the public via your digital storefront.

The search functions you provide on your site can help emergency and rescue personnel (such as police and fire departments) quickly save lives. Personnel can access information and diagrams about the features and locations of certain components (such as airbags, high-voltage components, fuel lines, seatbelts, and steering columns) and learn the most effective techniques to enter and exit a vehicle during accidents, fires, floods, and other emergencies.


Let our systems automatically distribute your safety recalls, alerts, and other related data through the site using member subscriptions. Ken Cook Co. can develop and release your product and safety messages and communications to government agencies, your subscribers, and your other key recipients. We’ll send them in a timely manner using the latest technologies. Let us oversee and automate complicated communication processes so you don’t have to spend time worrying about them.


For additional details on digital storefronts and related services, contact us here.

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